London may no longer be the capital of an avowedly 'Christian' nation, but much of its culture is still built on Christian values. The terrorists' bombs may have rocked London, but they will not kill its resilient spirit.

Mal Fletcher
Mal Fletcher

My train for London this morning was stopped a little outside the city. My fellow passengers and I were at first told very little, except that there were problems on the city's underground system. All trains into the city were being delayed.

At first, some people were upset. In this part of the world, it is not unusual to find that trains are delayed making people late for important meetings and the like. Within a short time, though, train authorities began to communicate - in very guarded words - that there had been some kind of explosion on the tube system.

We left the train when it arrived at the next station and from there it wasn't hard to uncover the full, terrible truth. TV newscasts were full of reports about not one, but a series of bombings within the London transport system.

In all, four explosions hit the city's public transport system, killing, at the time of this writing, at least thirty-three people and injuring more than three hundred. As I write this, the number killed in the bus has still not been confirmed. Forty-five people were critically injured.

Three of the blasts took place in different sections of the world famous tube system, with another ripping the top off a double-decker bus.

As I write this, police are still searching every tube train and every London bus, to ensure that there are no further threats. There has already been one controlled explosion.

A group which says it has links with Al Qaeda has claimed responsibility for the London bombs. This is not confirmed but one thing is sure - it is the work of terrorists.

In fact, it is the worst ever terror attack in the U.K., a sobering fact when one remembers all the years of bombings by the IRA.

This has been a week of ups and downs for the great city of London.

First of all, there was the massive Live 8 concert, supporting the Make Poverty History campaign, with its focus on Africa. Two hundred thousand people poured into Hyde Park for a day of musical festivities which, with its links to similar concerts around the world, was watched by an estimated TV audience of two billion people.

Yesterday saw the news of London's success in winning the bid for the Olympic Games in 2012. London had not been the favourite, but as the final vote approached there was a hint of hope that the London team had won over the sceptics. When the win was announced, emotions were running high.

Today, the G8 summit kicked off in Gleneagles, Scotland, with the leaders of the world's most powerful nations joining to discuss issues including world poverty and global warming. It is a momentous meeting; the centre of unprecedented attention around the world.

The mayor of London has said that today's attack was not aimed at presidents and national leaders, but at the common people of his city. He is right. The symbolism may be aimed at world leaders, but the effects are felt most by people simply going about their day-to-day lives.

Terrorists murder people at random. They don't care who dies, as long as someone does. What exactly do they want? What can they possibly hope to gain?