Key Quotes for 2018

A world perspective in bite-size chunks
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Last update: Wednesday 25th March
Actor Andrew Garfield says the “old guard” who believe in values like traditional marriage should take their “bigoted ideas” and “vanish into the night”. Garfield, who played Spider-Man in the 2012 and 2014 films, was speaking before winning a Tony lead actor award for a play about HIV.
What famous people sayThe Christian Institute - 15th June 2017
On 30 April, Wales became the first part of the UK to introduce a new non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT) to help screen for conditions such as Down’s, Edwards and Patau syndromes. CARE has long been concerned at the profound impact the test will have on not only the number of children being identified and aborted, but also on individuals and their families living with Down’s and other syndromes.
HealthCARE Impact Direct - 15th June 2018
It was revealed today that the Government will not be implementing its pledge to reduce the maximum stakes on Fixed Odds Betting Terminals (FOBTs) from £100 to £2 until 2020.
Drugs/Alcohol/AddictionsCARE Impact Direct - 15th June 2018
Popular rapper, Professor Green has opened up about the regret he feels over a former girlfriend's abortion. "Almost as soon as we’d done it we realised we regretted it... still hurts now...It’s so important people talk about stuff, because that was a decision born of us talking to each other but no one else.”
FamilyChristian Concern - 15th June 2018
A review by Family Law Group has alleged that social workers break up too many families too quickly, particularly in milder alleged cases of abuse. The inquiry determined that "Greater efforts should be made to support vulnerable families or, if children must be removed from their parent, to let them live with other family members..."
FamilyChristian Concern - 15th June 2018
Statistics showing a five-year high for the number of abortions in Scotland have been described as “deeply alarming”. There were 12,212 abortions in 2017, 106 more than the year before.
Social IssuesThe Christian Institute - 8th June 2018
On Thursday, the Department of Health and Social Care published the latest abortion statistics for England and Wales. In 2017, 194,668 abortions took place in England and Wales – this is an increase of more than 2 per cent (4,262 additional abortions)...There was one abortion every three minutes in 2017. There were 3,158 abortions carried out on the ground of disability, of which 20% (632) were for Down’s syndrome, 13 were for cleft lip or palate. 521 abortions on the basis of disability took place after 22 weeks gestation.
Social IssuesCARE Impact Direct - 8th June 2018
Hospital admissions relating to cannabis have risen sharply, figures have revealed, as a leading medical journal branded the drug a “huge health risk “. There were 27,501 admissions in England in 2016/2017, a 15 per cent increase compared to 23,866 in 2014/2015.
Drugs/Alcohol/AddictionsThe Christian Institute - 1st June 2018
Denmark has become the sixth European country to ban a burka in public. From August 1, a fine of 1,000 DKK will be imposed on anyone found wearing a burka (which covers the entire face) or a niqab (which covers the entire face except the eyes). Anyone found forcing someone to cover their face could face up to two years in prison.
Religious PersecutionChristian Concern - 1st June 2018
96% of teachers have worked with children experiencing mental health issues.
Young PeopleYouth and Children’s Work – June 2018 (National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers)
12% of UK youth are unemployed compared to 16.2% for the European Union as a whole.
Young PeopleYouth and Children’s Work – June 2018 (Office for National Statistics)
3/5 of young people regularly feel stressed. 1/2 of young people feel they do not know how to cope with setbacks in life.
Young PeopleYouth and Children’s Work – June 2018 (The Prince’s Trust)
A recent report from University of Glasgow professor Rory O’Connor reveals one in nine young people in Scotland attempt suicide.
Young PeopleYouth and Children’s Work – June 2018
A Kazakh regional Religious Affairs Department demanded the personal data of everyone under 18 who attends Christian meetings for worship, it was reported in mid-April. ‘It was not sent to Muslims, for example, just to Christians, and selectively’, an official stated. She refused to explain what ‘selectively’ means.
Religious PersecutionEvangelicalsNow – June 2018
Uttarakhand became the seventh state in India to put ‘anti-conversion’ legislation in force, with the Freedom of Religion Bill being signed on 18 April. A national newspaper reported the news of the governor’s approval of the Bill and enforcement of the Act.
Religious PersecutionEvangelicalsNow – June 2018
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