Key Quotes - Young People

A world perspective in bite-size chunks
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Last update: Wednesday 25th March
A third of parents believe children should be taught how to scoot safely in PE lessons at school, a new study suggests...Half of those polled said learning to ride a scooter was just as important as learning to ride a bike. One in four parents said their children’s balance had improved by riding a scooter.
Young PeopleThe Sentinel – 13th November 2018
Younger children in the care system are often confused about why they are unable to live with their parents, the latest survey of children in care suggests…It found that more than half the youngest children in care did not understand why they were not able to live at home; and one third of teenagers also did not fully understand the reasons for being in care…But the survey also found that much of children’s experience in care was positive: 82 per cent of children and young people felt that their life was getting better.
Young PeopleChurch Times – 23rd November 2018
Those in the 16 to 24 age bracket are lonelier than their seniors. According to research from the BBC, 40 per cent said they often feel lonely…The study found that only one-third considered loneliness to be about not having people around them. The other two-thirds took into account factors such as having no one to talk honestly to or who understands them…Loneliness was not linked to a lack of social skills. However, those who felt the loneliest had more friends on Facebook that they did not know offline.
Young PeopleYCW – November 2018
Both the Church of England and the Catholic Church have renewed efforts to encourage young people to consider ordination. The Church of England announced that a third more under-32s have been recommended for training since statistics were released two years ago. Under-30s now make up 23 per cent of those entering ministry training, a 20-year high.
Young PeopleYouth and Children’s Work – October 2018
In its seventh annual Good Childhood Report, which was released on Wednesday, the charity analysed the latest results of the millennium-cohort survey of more than 11,000 children aged ten to 17. This included the question whether the respondents had hurt themselves on purchase when they were 14 years old, or in any way in that past year. More than 1700 children (15.5 per cent) said that, when they were 14, they had self-harmed in the past year. Most (1237) were girls, that is, almost one in four of all girls surveyed; this was compared with the 9.2 per cent of boys.
Young PeopleChurch Times – 31st August 2018
The free dating app SALT, which will launch next month, enables users to identify other Christians registered in their area. Like Tinder, and Bumble, users download the app on to their phone, fill out a profile, upload some photos, state preferences about who they would like to meet, and can then look through the profiles of other users.
Young PeopleChurch Times – 31st August 2018
An investigation has revealed that more than 400,000 British teenagers have engaged in underaged casino-style gambling through video games. MRI scans have confirmed that these games can have a similar effect on the brain as drug abuse.
Young PeopleYouth and Children's Work - September 2018
There is a growing view that even the term ‘condition’ is inaccurate, and that autism is a form of neurodiversity – a normal and natural variation in the human genome that creates an alternative but equally valid way of understanding and experiencing the world to that of neurotypical people.
Around one in 80 children are believed to be autistic, although some suggest it may be nearer to one in 60.
Young PeopleYouth and Children’s Work - July 2018
Almost 450,000 teenagers are thought to have engaged in online casino-style gambling, having been lured through video games.
Young PeopleThe Christian Institute - 6th July 2018
Teenagers are becoming less likely to have sex, preferring to spend time with their families and having romantic relationships online, a study suggests. A survey of 1,000 16- to 18-year-olds also found they were drinking much less.
Young PeopleBBC - 18th July 2018
Thousands of “pinball kids” are being shunted around the care system, facing multiple changes to their home, school or social workers, a report has warned. Just one in four children in care experienced no changes in 2016/17, according to a study.
Young PeopleThe Sentinel - 1 June 2018
The number of children expressing confusion over their ‘gender identity’ has reached a record high in Scotland. There were 222 children who were referred to specialist services in 2017, a 21 per cent increase on the previous year.
Young PeopleThe Christian Institute - 13th July 2018
We are seeing a heightened issue with body image among young people, with recent figures suggesting that five per cent of our teenagers battle with body dysmorphia. The main issue is that young people are constantly surrounded by images. When they are at school they are scrolling through their phones and seeing images of other people. Then when they come home they see them again.
Young PeopleYouth and Children’s Work - July 2018
More than 400,000 British teenagers have been lured into under-aged casino-style gambling through their video gaming, an investigation has revealed. The children, aged 13 to 18, have been able to gamble winnings from their video gaming on websites where they can bet them for cash on roulette wheel spins or other games of chance.
Young PeopleThe Telegraph - 28th June 2018
Teenagers are spending up to 12 hours online a day mindlessly swiping through social media without looking at any single piece of content for more than a few seconds, a unique study has found.
Young PeopleThe Telegraph - 29th June 2018
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