Key Quotes for 2018

A world perspective in bite-size chunks
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Last update: Wednesday 25th March
The rapid rise in referrals for gender dysphoria among children has led the Equalities Minister to demand an inquiry to determine what is behind it. Penny Mordaunt MP is keen to understand why there has been a 4,400 per cent rise in the number of girls being referred for treatments in the past nine years.
HealthThe Christian Institute - 17th September 2018
Three out of five people work overtime every week, with those in London and the North East putting in the most hours, a new study shows. A survey of 2,000 adults found that workers are clocking up an average of four extra hours a week, rising to six in some areas.
Work/EmploymentThe Sentinel - 23rd July 2018
Children as young as five could be told they can be a boy, a girl or neither, under draft lesson plans backed by the Scottish Government. Also in the draft Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood lesson plans for five to eight year olds, teachers are encouraged to use a video from homosexual lobby group Stonewall to promote LGBT issues.
EducationThe Christian Institute - 6th August 2018
All homes across the UK should have access to full-fibre broadband coverage by the year 2033, according to the Government’s digital strategy. Proposals set out by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport recommended legislation to guarantee new homes are fitted with full-fibre broadband. Full-fibre connections- which are faster, more reliable and cheaper to run compared with traditional copper-based networks- only stand at 4% in the UK. For comparison, Spain stands at 71%.
MediaThe Sentinel - 24th July 2018
Edinburgh University student union officials will hand out pronoun badges to freshers so that they know what pronouns to use when referring to each other. The Students’ Association has published a guide to sharing pronouns which explains that assuming what pronouns to use based on appearance “can be frustrating and harmful.”
EducationChristian Weekly News - 31st August 2018
Britons are missing out on savings worth millions of pounds by booking train tickets for summer trips at the last minute, according to new analysis. A total of £4.5 million could have been saved by passengers who did not buy cheaper advance fares for journeys taking place between July 23 and August 31 last year, data released by ticket-selling app Trainline revealed.
Travel/TourismThe Sentinel - 26th July 2018
The British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy recently published 'guidance' on who is a woman, saying we shouldn't assume "that being a woman necessarily involves being able to bear children, or having XX sex chromosomes, or breasts”.
HealthChristian Concern - 26th July 2018
More than two million workers are not getting their legal holiday entitlement, with many not having any paid leave at all, according to a study. The TUC said one in 12 UK workers was missing out amid unrealistic workloads, and employers deliberately denying holiday requests or not keeping up to date with the law. The analysis showed that workers are losing out on nearly £3 billion worth of paid leave a year. Workers are entitled to 28 days’ paid leave by law.
Work/EmploymentThe Sentinel - 27th July 2018
The Association of Educational Psychologists and the National Educational Union have made a fresh proposal to ban smacking in the home.
FamilyChristian Concern - 26th July 2018
People who believe men cannot become women should be sent to Soviet-era labour camps for re-education, according to Goldsmiths university’s LGBTQ+ society. Estimates of the number of people who died in the camps, between the 1910s to the 1950s, run into the millions. Following the tweets, Goldsmiths Students’ Union disaffiliated the group, expressing disgust over the social media postings.
EducationThe Christian Institute - 12th September 2018
The population of the UK has risen by its lowest rate for over a decade, the first official population estimates since the EU referendum show. Latest calculations show there were an estimated 66,040,229 million people living in the country at the end of June last year. Over the 12 months to the middle of 2017, the inhabitants increased by 0.6%, the lowest growth rate since mid-2004.
Social IssuesThe Sentinel – 29th June 2018
An American survey of the millennial generation has revealed less than 29% believe abortion should be available for any reason, only 46% of women identify as feminists, and over 71% think there should be some legal protections for the unborn.
Social IssuesChristian Weekly News - 7th September 2018
High Court family judge Sir Andrew McFarlane says the number of care cases is putting "untenable" pressure on courts, with UK forced court care orders rising 34% in the last year alone.
Social IssuesChristian Concern - 26th July 2018
The Queen’s annual expenditure soared by around 13% as a decade-long programme of renovations began at Buckingham Palace. The taxpayer funds received by the monarchy to pay for official duties and other expenditure – the Sovereign Grant – rose from £41.9 million to £47.4 million, with payroll costs, travel and property maintenance all increasing compared with the previous year.
MoneyThe Sentinel – 28th June 2018
The Californian Bill AB 2943, that could have banned therapy for those wanting counselling for gender or sexual orientation issues, has been halted - for one year at least. Even promotions or descriptions of such therapy, like Bible verses, could have been made illegal.
HealthChristian Weekly News - 7th September 2018
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