Key Quotes for 2002

A world perspective in bite-size chunks
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Last update: Wednesday 25th March
Peter Brierley of Christian Research reports that 28% of the world's people identify themselves as some brand of Christian: Protestant, Catholic or Orthodox. Because population growth is outstripping our best efforts at mission, that percentage will decline to 27% in 2010 and continue to decline after that.
Evangelicals Now
Nearly 50% of the world's population is under the age of 25 and there are more than 1 billion aged 10-18 years old.
The missing generation in the church, in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the US is the under-35's. The young are disappearing from our churches in alarming numbers. If the Western church is to have a future we need to target strategically the evangelisation of the under-35's. We must also give the Christian young who are with the church greater responsibility for leading and reinventing the church for the 21st century.
Evangelicals Now
While we may talk of children leaving church, the reality is that children actually leave Sunday school, having spent four years on average there, up to the age of 12.
The Christian Herald
Recent statistics reveal that a crime is committed in the UK every five seconds.
Reconciliation Ministries International
38% of 15-18 year olds wouldn't know where to turn to for information or advice if they came into difficulties paying their rent or mortgage.
Survey commissioned by Charity Shelter
Even though global population growth is slowing, it will still grow from 6.2 billion today to between 8 and 10 billion by 2050. Most of that growth will be among our poorest neighbours in densely congested urban areas. Today almost half of the global poor are under 15.
Evangelicals Now
65% of people have felt ashamed to be British with 7% defining Britishness by eating fish and chips.

10% of young people base their belief on science.

50% of young people expect things to get worse.

One in every two young people report a belief in God yet only a miniscule percentage of those participate in any Christian happening

Face Census 2002
Government research reveals one in three 14-year olds have tried drugs at least once.
In the 1990's we saw an unprecedented explosion of wealth among the top 20% of the world's population with the creation of more millionaires and billionaires than during any decade in history. The bottom 20% of the world's population, however, has actually lost ground. The UN's Development Programme states that 30 years ago the poorest 20% of the world's population earned 2.3% of the world's income. Now they earn only 1.4% and that amount is still declining. At the same time the richest 20% increased their share of global income from 70% to 80%.
Evangelicals Now
The main reason for church decline is the huge drop in the number of children attending church, something not unique to Wales but also very common in England. Whereas 21% of Welsh children under 15 attended church in 1982, only 8% did so in 1995. The average age of a Welsh churchgoer in 1982 was 40; in 1995 it was 47. In the population as a whole it was 37 in 1982 and 39 in 1995.
The Christian Herald
In America, the proportion of teenagers having sexual intercourse dropped to 44.6% last year from 54.3% in 1990.
Youth Risk Behaviour Surveillance System
The Evangelical and Charismatic Church is the fastest growing religious movement in the world: In 1970 there were 9.3million Evangelicals and 72 million Pentecostals/Charismatics. In 2002 there were 217 million Evangelicals and 543 million Pentecostals/Charismatics.
In China there were 90 million Christians in 2000
North Korea is one of the seven worst countries in the world for the persecution of Christians. Since its borders closed in 1953, an estimated 2,300 Christian congregations, with 300,000 members, have disappeared. It is also thought that 100,000 Christians are currently imprisoned in concentration camps for their faith, where torture and starvation are routine.
Release International, published in Evangelicals Now
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