Key Quotes - What famous people say

A world perspective in bite-size chunks
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Last update: Wednesday 25th March
r. Bobby Jennings, winner of the 2002 teaching Award for Leadership in a secondary School said,' I am amazed at how many young people credit Christian teachers for showing them a good example, and influencing them for Christ. Yet, in my view, the Church has failed to recognise the part that committed teachers can play in young peoples lives.
What famous people sayThe Church of England Newspaper, Jan 31st 2004.
My brother has become a threat like Christ became a threat, like Martin Luther King became a threat. Their humility became a threat. They were so kind they became a threat.
What famous people sayJermaine Jackson on his brother Michael Jackson.
I think that- apart from the fields of science and medicine- we live in an age of decline. Look at the world. There is a decline in morals, ideals, manners, respect, truthfulness, just about everything in fact.
What famous people sayActor Christopher Lee when asked what is the greatest threat to our civilisation.
'The most political act that anyone can engage in is to bring someone to a knowledge of the love of Christ.'
- C.S.Lewis
What famous people sayChristian Focus - Dec 2003
ir Cliff Richard said 'The issue of street children may seem remote to many of us but it is real and does need to be addressed. We don't all have to become street workers but we can all play our part by supporting initiatives like 'Pavement Project.
What famous people sayThe Church of England Newspaper, Dec 4th 2003.
resident Bush said about abortions; 'This right to life cannot be granted or denied by government, because it does not come from government, it comes from the creator of life.
What famous people sayDirection, Jan 2004.
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