Vineyard Music - The Best Of Acoustic Worship

Thursday 1st June 2000
Vineyard Music - The Best Of Acoustic Worship

STYLE: MOR / Soft Pop
RATING 6 6 6 6 6 6
LABEL: Vineyard Music 1293192
RRP: £1.03

Reviewed by Jennifer Brooker

Labelling songs re-issued from the back catalogue as "classic" is a sign that at least someone thinks these vintages retain their quality in the bottle. Sooner or later they must show their age - but not quite yet. What gives them their staying power? Tight performances and immaculate production certainly help. Perhaps more significant is that these songs, dealing with our most intimate relationship with God and experience of the Spirit's power, are so well crafted. The songwriters and worship leaders featured here -Messrs Doerksen, Park, Daniels, Espinosa, Wimber, et al - were pioneering a new genre of worship in music, but at the same time drawing on a tradition of folk expression which also helps give their work an aura of timelessness. "Change My Heart, 0 God", for instance, reminds me of the songs I grew up with from Swedish folk artist Evert Taube, minus the rich melodic inventiveness. If you are sensitive to the use of the ineffable name of Go Hebrew Scriptures, programme your CD player to skip track seven.

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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