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Article Title: Sandi Patti: The inspirational balladeer and the great divorce
Author of reported comment: MarVella Burton
Comment Date: 03:01 on May 13 2013
Comment: Often times when we are exalted by men we begin to think of ourselves more highly than we ought. It is dangerous to praise men and women for talents that God has given them. The limelight, applause, and attention will often cause us to stumble and fall, leaving behind those that we previously considered on the same level with us. The ground is still level at the foot of the cross and in these last days, satan is causing discontent and restlessness among the people of God so that people in homes, families, churches and even nations are being separated and destroyed. True success can only be obtained by true surrender to God and living by EVERY WORD that proceeded out of the mouth of God. Love for God and man is the acid test for all Christians. If Christ is lifted up He will draw all men and women to Himself; then and only then can they be drawn to each other and become loving and esteem others above themselves.
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