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Article Title: Daryl Coley: The California-born gospel singer overcoming homosexuality and diabetes
Author of reported comment: Sis J.Phillips
Comment Date: 04:06 on Aug 11 2015
Comment: Rev.Coley..I can truly say I am one of your number one fans...Truly blessed by your music. Daughter of a pastor and my mom taught Milton Bigham (Miss and Georgia Mass Choir) how to play piano..Therefore my sprit and relationship with The Lord is discerning.. I am drawn to the anointed..God bless you and your family.. You all are in my prayers.. Note: Diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 2002..Prayed and believed in my diet and exercise.. God healed my body! Have not taken anything for diabetes since 2011, A1c remains 6.3.. GOD IS GREAT!!!
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