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Article Title: A Time And A Place
Author of reported comment: mark lewis
Comment Date: 12:11 on Sep 27 2016
Comment: I am a huge fan of Jackson Browne, but Phil is up there with best ! This is indeed a remarkable album , with every colour and nuance possible . I have laughed and cried in equal measure. the song content is varied and compelling. This combined with Phil's excellent vocals and the well crafted musicianship,. Its a winner ! My favourite track "Blind Faith". an inspiration to those young and old. Whether you are starting out on "life's ladder", or a little way further on the journey, the message , so powerful in this song remains, about making the most of the talent you have and that everyone is indeed special and unique. There are many who may have given up, when the dice life throws them is "loaded". Blind Faith" tells them no, there is a way.. BELIEVE. I wish I had heard this song when I was sums all the inspirational speeches I ever made. There are so many other songs here too, which leave you transfixed to the message like " "Abervan",which I remember happening , as a schoolboy myself, and "Moses at Ystradfelte. Amazing!!
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