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Article Title: Greenbelt '08: The Music Reviews
Author of reported comment: George Luke
Comment Date: 20:28 on Sep 10 2008
Comment: Dear Tony, In your review of Emmanuel Jal’s concert, you mentioned the “phat Afrobeat rhythms” he was dancing to. Sorry to sound like a pedant, but there was no Afrobeat at the concert. “Afrobeat” is the name of a specific genre; the fusion of jazz and Nigerian rhythms pioneered by the late Fela Kuti. Emmanuel’s music, on the other hand, is based more on Sudanese music fused with hip hop and reggae. By the way, if you want to hear a real example of a Christian playing Afrobeat, try Jide Arowolo or Mike Aremu (who was also at Greenbelt, leading worship in the CMS venue).
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