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Article Title: This Good Place
Author of reported comment: John
Comment Date: 23:31 on Oct 29 2009
Comment: Seems like a pretty positive review... but I fail to follow the reviewer on the Identity Crisis comment. As far as I can see there were two other writers that contributed to two of the songs... all the rest are written by Ajalon. And it's only the lyrics that were written by others... Ok the first track has more credits... but that's only because that was a song Randy and Dan did in a previous band. Ajalon has been playing that song since the beginning. Credit where credit is due. I think this is without question the best album Ajalon has ever done. Abstract Malady is an awesome composition. I can't understand how he thinks that they sacrificed melody for expertise. the songs is monstrous through and through... I guess the reviewer is more comfortable listening to Air Supply. Johnny B
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