Be genuine and real. This is a place to worship God by giving up in prayer the sin and struggles, attitudes and apathy that are in your life. Put them in the incinerator to be burnt to ashes by God.

Original Prayer

Lust, co-dependency, abuse etc

lord, i've been feeling better today in many ways, and am sorry i am needing to discuss this with you. I wish to bring before you my need for constant affirmation from those around me, as it is starting to cause issues with those close to me. i wish to repent of my feelings for M- he is married with children and i feel disgusting thinking of him like this. help me not to spend too much time in his company, 'cos its screwing me up. He goes to my church, so i can't avoid him. i am fed up with feeling guilty for things which happened in my past, because of other people doing things to hurt me, 'cos my issues with men have a lot to do with being abused.

Submitted by C on 12 May 2007


Be Strong

What you are going through I have been through, it is a very long and slippery path. Do not take it ! it will lead to nowhere... Keep your eyes on the things in your life that are good. Remember that lust, which is what you are experiencing, can never be satisfied. If you cannot avoid seeing this person then you may have to think seriously about changing where you worship. I know this may sound drastic but believe me in the long run it will save a lot of heartache. You need to feel valued, change what you can and accept what you cant change. You cant change the past, but you can make today the first day of the rest of your life. I know this may scare you but God will provide everything you need just put your trust in him. Good luck and God bless you.

Submitted by sue on 23 Aug 2007

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