Be genuine and real. This is a place to worship God by giving up in prayer the sin and struggles, attitudes and apathy that are in your life. Put them in the incinerator to be burnt to ashes by God.

Original Prayer

judgements and unforgiveness

Daddy God, please burn away my un-forgiveness and judgments against my sister-in-law. Help me to have the spirit of humility-listening to her ideas, gentleness in speech when I am fuming. Help me to communicate. Teach me holy Spirit a better way to talk to her and continue to be real. Help me to know when to be quiet and take it to you or speak to her about things that need to dealt with. Melt away my quick temper and anger, into a heart of love and understanding. Melt the hardness in my heart with Holy Fire so I can truly be molded into your vessel for pouring out rivers of living water. I breath you in, God for you ARE thick all around me:)

Submitted by rachel on 4 Feb 2013



Father I just bring Rachel to You Lord, I pray that You will enlighten her in the best way to communicate with a difficult in-law. What ever has gone before has now past. Let the skeletons remain in the cupboard, so that peace would reign in Rachels heart. Help her to see her in-law in a new light and to understand that she too may be having difficulty in speaking with Rachel. Amen

Submitted by snooky on 4 Mar 2013

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