This is a place for you to be heard in your weeping, in your weakness and in your needs. A place to ask for water for your soul. Build your relationship with God, cry out, groan, ask your God and tell Him your needs. And receive His help.

Original Prayer


Hey, please would you pray for me and my situation with a girl in my life at the moment? I am currently involved with someone slightly a bit older than me, and a non-Christian, we've been seeing each other for about 1-2 weeks, and I've found everything going great! But now, again!, I feel God telling me to break things off, and to come back to Him, because I know (from past experiences) that I will get hurt and pulled away from God somewhere along the line, and as much as I understand what God is saying, and want to stay with God, I can't find it in myself to let this girl go, and I don't know how I can! So if you know anything about what I'm going through would you please pray for me to get the knowledge and courage to understand more clearly and do what God is asking. ta JH

Submitted by JMH on 1 Jan 2003


re: ...........................

'For i know the plans i have for you, plans to prosper you , not to hurt you, i will give you hope and a future' jeremiah 29.11 (or something like that!) God has plans for you! plans that he knows in intimate detail that are tailor made to get the best out of you and to make you happy! Its great that your open to hearing God, and if you can hear him telling you to break it off then deep down you know thats whats gotta happen. Don't let it feel like you have to stick to some boring rules, but trust Him, know that He knows what is best and He only wants good for you. If this girl isn't right then He has someone even better, maybe next week, maybe not for a year or two, maybe you need to focus on you right now, i dont know. but He does! God is the best, most exciting, most precious thing you life right?it's so sad if you can't share that with your g/f. i had a non christian b/f a few years ago and i thought it would be fine because he was very understanding and didnt mind me doing church stuff. but its not the same! it hurts when you can't share your faith with them. i've been going out with my current boyfriend for just over a year now, and it feels so right! its awesome to pray and worship together, to help each other grow in God. thats one huge exciting chunk to be missing out on in a relationship! dont settle for your plan, trust and go for God's! I'll be praying for you

Submitted by Kat on 4 Jan 2003

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