This is a place for you to be heard in your weeping, in your weakness and in your needs. A place to ask for water for your soul. Build your relationship with God, cry out, groan, ask your God and tell Him your needs. And receive His help.

Original Prayer

Prayer needed for desperate spiritual situation.

Hi please could you pray for me and help me? I am in a desperate state spiritually and have been now for well over two years- I fell away completely from God, have been sifted as badly as can be by Satan over the last 18 months and have absolutely NO assurance from God that He would ever want me back let alone forgive me for all I have done in my life. I have finally given up begging and pleading with God to speak to me after 2 years of this. My bible knowledge is poor due to 4 years of rebellion against God, followed by 2 years convinced that I'm not His child. So please if there is anything in God's Word that makes it absolutely 100% clear that God WILL and DOES want to forgive anyone no matter how far they have fallen, provided they want His forgiveness, please write to me with those verses!!!!!!! My church have deserted me over this because after all my experiences I no longer believe in Once Saved Always Saved- so in the end I left and if I ever return to Jesus, will I immediately find a new church. For my full story, which really you need if you would like to pray about this, please e-mail me and I will send it to you.

Submitted by Da Berkshire Massive on 4 Dec 2002


re: Prayer needed for desperate spiritual situatio

i know how u feel god will fogive u if u pray 4 it and truly want fogivness u will be fogiven i will be praying 4 u i have been in the same situation just remember god always want u his child and u are his child god bless love hannah

Submitted by hannah on 14 Dec 2002


Hi, sorry that my address bounced, but try, this works, i would still really like to hear about your full story! God Bless, jonna.

Submitted by Jonna on 10 Dec 2002

re: Prayer needed for desperate spiritual situatio

Hi Jonna, I tried to e-mail you but it bounced, so to recieve my full story please e-mail me on my address- Thanks!!

Submitted by Da Berkshire Massive on 9 Dec 2002

re: Prayer needed for desperate spiritual situatio

Dear Bro! firstly, i need to say that, you should find another church! that church is not the type of church you need to be at if its like that! oh! come to ours in Rochdale! Anyway... I was somewhat...touched, when i read your prayer! I know what you mean when you say that you dont feel you can go back to God, but believe me, God DOES forgive and he is there ready and waiting to forgive you! He just wants you to repent and mean it! Some scriptures that you can focus on are, firstly, John 3:16, which says "for God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only son,", now readin from this although it says 'the world', this literally means "YOU"! God so lovES you that he gave His son Jesus Christ, so that you can and even better will be forgiven! Dont ever doubt that! even if you don't feel Gods forgiven you, sometimes you will still feel as though your trapped in that sinful path (or i do anyway!), but believe me God's moved on and is already planning your next step, and secretly preparing you for it! The next verse you can use is Psalm 100:3, this says that God made us, and we do belong to Him, we are his sheep, to which he tends to! How could God ever let us stray and be left out there to cope on our own if he loves so much! We BELONG to Him, not this world. Romans 3:21-26 might help a bit. it tells of how we are saved and made right before God through our faith. Christ was the ultimate sacrifice, and so through faith in Jesus Christ, we are made right in Him. A perfect scripture to show how God can forgive teh biggest of sins is in Timothy 1:12-17. This passage tells of how Timothy was persecuting Christ Jesus and spoke against Him, but God showed him MERCY, and FORGIVENESS! It says fully accept that Christ came into this world to save sinners, of which HE was the worst! but he WAS given mercy. It shows that God has patience. Listen Bro, i would love to hear your story! I hope this helps! And don't forget, God loves you loads! He loves with an eternal love and a patient love, and he is ALWAYS prepared to take us back in his arms, brush us off, and stand us on our feet again! Bless ya bro!

Submitted by Jonna Healey on 8 Dec 2002

re: Prayer needed for desperate spiritual situatio

Hey friend, I can identify with you cos i've 'backslidden' a couple of times & recently got involved with a non-Christian lad which seemed so perfect. But only God can be perfect. I was convinced "oh i've done it now" or "i've blown it, God'll never want me back after this". It's great that the Lord is bringing you back to Him, gently as it is. Sometimes (speaking frm experience) we realise what we do is hurting God. He is not mad at you, He's sad when we go our own way but He still loves us and is waiting, like the father of the lost son (Luke 15:11-32), for us to come back to Him. Look up 1John 1:5-10. And remember Paul was a Christian-killer before he wrote half the New Testament!! Read Psalm 51 - the great King David of Israel wrote it in sorrow for his sin. I find it very comforting. Take on board Psalm 103:12. Cleansed! No matter what we've done! Psalm 77 says "will He never show his favour again?" But read the whole psalm & you'll see that He's still there & that we have to do our bit too in submitting to Him & seek His will & study His word. Bear in mind there's not such a thing as 'good sin' & 'bad sin'. All have fallen short of the glory of God. The prostitute on the street is a sinner...........the nun on the street is a sinner. The drunk in the church is a sinner.......... the elder in the church is a sinner. Remember Jesus loved the prostitute over and above the pharisee Simon, even though the pharisee appeared to be doing all the right things (echoes of the folk @ your church maybe??). The point was, the prostitute had sorrow for her sin & begged forgiveness, the pharisee didn't even think he was a sinner! But he had immense pride in how 'good' he was. The Lord don't like pride! (Luke 7:36-50) Sin isn't doing 'bad things'. See sin for what it is - doing things our way instead of God's way. Which you and me and every other of the 6 billion folk walking the planet does. That's why Jesus died for us - cos we ourselves cannot justify or reconcile or do anything about our sinful nature. That's the grace, mercy, sacrifice of an infinitely loving God. You've no idea, sunshine, how much God loves you. And it'll take an eternity to find out. He's crazy about you! He loves you enough to die for you! If you've got the facility, an onlne sermon that can help is at It's the one called "When the Holy Spirit departs" & it's not an easy listen but it was definitely something i needed to hear. It plays on Windows Media Player & the last couple of minutes of it didn't play for me but most of it played fine. If you don't have the facility to listen, let me know & i'll email you with the jist of what the guy says.. :-) I'll email this to you too in case you want to reply & tell me how you are doing so i can keep praying for you regularly. Ask Him to help you come back to Him & give you peace in your heart. I'm praying for you, mate. Sorry if i've bombarded you with a lot of stuff. I hope some of it helps.Take it easy chicken. Jillian x <><

Submitted by Jillian on 8 Dec 2002

re: Prayer needed for desperate spiritual situatio

Hey there, I just want to let you know that there are loads of people who have been in your situation, so you are not alone! The very fact that you are wanting to know God again and are concerned about whether you can get right with him shows that the Holy Spirit is working in your life - God is moving your heart even within your worry - so be encouraged by this!! The absolute best chapter in the world on this is Romans 8. Fromm start to finish it reassures those who once made a commitment to God that God has saved them. My favourite verse from this is " For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord"(v39) What an encouragement! Also if you want assurance that God only puts us through what we can handle then look at Job. If you want assurance that even the worst of sinners can come to God, then look at Saul/Paul in Acts 9. God is a God of all comfort look at 2 Corinthians 3-11. It might be an idea to just sit quietly and read through a couple of Bible passages asking God to move your heart. I'm not sure which approach to worship suits you best, sometimes singing a worship song can help. Rememeber that God is always in our lives, so just talk to him, explain to him what you've been going through. If you ask for help, God will revive the Holy Spirit with you as a comforter and one who can intercede between you and God. Life as a Christian means that we are engaging in a spiritual battle because we have chosen to side with God. At times this is scary, but remember, if we trist entirely in God and hold fast to him, then he will save us. And as for finding another church, find one where you can feel comfortable. A lot of Christians believe in continual sanctification - this means that yes you are once saved but you need to commit to God daily, to take each day at a time with him. God Bless, if you have any more questions then please e-mail me -

Submitted by Serena on 7 Dec 2002

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