Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

Original Prayer

Frustration with the church

Lord I long to be free from the sence of frustration and disolousionment in the church. There seems no place of safty and not place of love in the whole body. I am so tired of being treated like garbage by christians I wnder how much more I can put up with. Lord please work this for my good and bring healing. and reconciliation. What was done to me we s terrible. My best friend betrayed me. It was so dispicable and with such knowledge of what it would do to me and knowing my suicidale state of mind. Lord will she ever see what she has done Lord will she ever apologise to me. Lord she is full of high judgments that rip m y herat to shreds when I think of how I know I was a wonderful friend to her. Lord I need her to se what she did to me and put it right. I fogive her and way but I need some clousere it would really help.

Submitted by Sandra on 23 Mar 2010



The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves all those who are crushed in spirit. Vengeance is mine says the Lord, I will repay. Forgive and let GOD deal with the person who has hurt you. Healing comes after forgveness. Reconciliation in the relationship is another issue and takes both parties co-operation but you can forgive and receive healing all by yourself without them having any involvement. Jesus understands betrayal by very close of his best friends said he did not even know Him, how painful must that have been at the time Jesus needed his friends the most! and lots of his followers left him and he turned with sadness in his voice, and said to his disciples, will you also go away? Just before his cruxifixian when he needed prayer support....his closest friends were not there and again there is disappointment in his voice...could you not even stay awake and pray for one hour????? That is not very good friendship is it...... I hope these words have been of some encouragement in your difficult situation. Love from a christian sister

Submitted by lydia on 28 Mar 2010

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