Life isn't just about us. It's about other people too. This is a room for you to pray for other people and their situations, our government and leaders, anything that's not ourselves. Stand in the gap and shake heaven. Shoulder other people's burdens and care. Shout God's grace, goodness and provision for them. Pray God's heart.

Original Prayer

My Youth Group

Pray for my youth group at church, we had a meeting tonight which was slightly "off the rails" with some of them so i really pray that God will touch them and that they will feel strength in him and that he will make them see the importance of reading the word since it is so important and so key to being a christian. pray for the leaders for strength and faith within the group

Submitted by matt on 3 Mar 2004


re: My Youth Group

hey. just to say im praying 4 u guys, the youth group im in is finding it hard coz the other members of the church think that we off the rails.

Submitted by natasha on 18 Mar 2004

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