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Article Title: Exeter Christian Students Taking Student Union & University To Court Over Human Rights
Author of reported comment: Rachel Bullock
Comment Date: 07:12 on Jun 12 2007
Comment: I was brought up in a loving family where my faith in right and truth prevainlig has helped me through many hard times - imprisonment on remand , detention on sections unlawfully three times, when being unable to access help for pain despite having had terrible injuries in RTA in 1971 which had been highlighted in a cranial osteopath's report and evident on a an MRI scan. Court cases to me are not entirely satisfactory as my faith in the judicial system has been severely dented having discovered that some professionals regarded as pillars of society disregard the truth even when communicating with solicitors who in turn appear to be less than interested sometimes in seeing right and justice is uppermost. In my case if I had not had such faith in my own right I probably would be in a secure prison for life instead of being free and able to comment as I wish- in this case I feel propbably some people may not know what christian actually is supposed to mean. I remember when attending a confirmation at a previous Church being left wondering when hearing statements from the candidates of when they became a christian as I had never known anything other than trying to do things to help others all my life having gone to Church all my life, taken part as part of my teaching duties in assemblies etc though a maths teacher. Perhaps some of trhese people need to reflect on whether the society needs to re-examine its title and change to one incorporating helping people as in the hymn ' help us to help each other Lord' but perjhaps being a christian has some big meaning unclear to the likes of me and other people.
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