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Article Title: Cartoon Breakup
Author of reported comment: Abby
Comment Date: 16:24 on Jun 15 2007
Comment: Hahahahahahaha. How stupid do you have to be to write such things about prelude?? There a fantastic band and you are so wrong. Theyre songs do NOT lack character and the singing "fails to convince" does it?? Pfft. Prelude are better anyone and everyone so i hardly believe ther singing FAILS!! Yeah i may be 14 but i know good music when i hear it and this is it. Arnt older people ment to be more clever and brainier?? Just shows how wrong adults can be sometimes!! "Shame the guitar goes concrete and flat in the chorus, tending to kill it off" Ha! CONCRETE?? FLAT?? Did you actually LISTEN to the song?? I think not.
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