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Article Title: Is There Hope For Marriage?
Author of reported comment: Kelly
Comment Date: 08:03 on Aug 26 2007
Comment: Bud, I was reading this article and saw that you made a comment. I hope that someone has written you back - if not, here I go! I believe that there is always hope, even if a situation seems hopeless... Believe me, I have been through my own ups and downs and even when you think, feel, believe God is not with you. He is watching. Relationships are difficult, but I truly believe that they can be healed if they have been broken. You admit your wrongdoings to us - now admit your wrongdoings to her and to God. (If you cannot talk to her- perhaps write a letter to her as if she is going to read it - and perhaps,maybe one day she will!) I pray that she will forgive. If not, you must forgive yourself and allow God to forgive you. Both of you are hurting. I see it and so does Jesus. Please remember this.
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