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Article Title: Taff's Departure
Author of reported comment: BETTYARLENE
Comment Date: 05:33 on Sep 2 2007
Comment: There has never been a voice like that of Ruff Taff. The emotion behind his unique, unmatched singing, is powerful and will bring you to your feet or to your knees. Either way, you know you've been in the presence of God when Russ Taff leads us to the throne room. If only I could sing, I would ask to be given a talent equal to that of Russ Taff. Wow! Bill Gaither has been a blessing down through the years and he's certainly met a need in Russ's life. I'm excited to see what's in store for The Gaither Vocal Band and will follow Russ Taff closely. They are both legends in their own time, but Russ Taff can sing a song better than any one I know. I've seen him in concert... several times. He's one of a kind!
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