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Article Title: Sir David Attenborough - "Why I Don't Mention God"
Author of reported comment: Marc
Comment Date: 14:11 on Jan 27 2008
Comment: Atheists have been around since the dawn of time and whether science shows us life is incredibly complex and fine-tuned or really very simple and robust (as was thought in Darwin's time) will always be irrelevant to people who focus on evidence which supports their world-view and ignore the rest. Irreducible complexity is yet another lesson for Christian apologists in the risks of playing God-of-the-Gaps game. ID is however, strong when it argues that the world looks designed and that to argue otherwise is to fly in the face of self-evident tuning and purpose and postulate "natural miracles" at every major development. To deny obvious yet design and assert "blind nature did it" will fail Occam's test as do complex conspiracy of mass delusion theories in a desperate attempt to explain the ressurection. A naturalist's explanation is part of the picture (and evolution may well be largely correct) but that naturalist should not assert it is all of the picture without stepping into the realm of meta-physics and having his views tested by philosophies which acknowledge no imposed naturalist bounds.
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