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Article Title: The Holy Trinity
Author of reported comment: Rev Albert R Cole
Comment Date: 17:55 on Sep 10 2008
Comment: The review made me buy the cd today, I couldnt help notice the reviewer never refered to her as Rev Tina only Tina [you take it from there]. Rev Tina sung her head off as ususal. Thesongs was well written, spiritual messaged. It sounded real good to me, I didnt notice a high of low end. im not a reviewer, just a customer an fan, i really didnt hear nothing wrong with it, If you put Gladys Knight Sam Cooke or Rev Tina in a hay field, with wind blowing, a cow lowing, and no mic they still gonna sound good. people in bars aint got a high and low end and it still sounds good. Churches dont have high end low end you still know when something sound good. to much tech talk, Or was this your way of prompting people to go out and buy,
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