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Article Title: Porn Is A Poison
Author of reported comment: Mat
Comment Date: 13:35 on Sep 22 2008
Comment: My stepfather and uncle had alot of porn around the house... when I was exposed to it at a young age, it was normalised by their use of it, and ofcourse the media and outlets of mags etc. It has been ignored and hidden by people who use it and those who secretly know that it is a problem, ignored and bypassed. Children can access it on the net, on their mobile phones. It is on the TV and Sky and the longer time ticks by the more the censorship is erroded away, soon there will be no restraint to hold back its accumilitive force, the banks will break and there will be great darkness... What saddens me is not the fact that a person confesses and that they have done the deed... but that there was no real place for them to confess in the first place, that they are left with no where to turn when it happens at first. It is far harder to confess the longer one waits but if there were open doors to them in the first place then it might not have had to go so far before the "secret" is out. Pornography wrecks marriages and the minds of those who look at it ... but we, as the Body must make a way to help them.
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