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Article Title: "Church" - A Severely Damaged Word
Author of reported comment: Tim Bearden
Comment Date: 17:43 on Mar 10 2009
Comment: As an English minor, words and how they're used make a great deal of importance to me. For about the last two years I've come to the conclusion also; church is not a building or a meeting. It is more an identity. If you are born into the kingdom, then you are in the church. Just like my earthly father will always be my father simply as a result of being born of him. This relationship will never change no matter where I go or what I do. In response to, "Bigger is better than maturity"; this is especially the case when a local "church assymbly" has large debts and building funds to pay. In this case, the true meaning of Church gets further washed away. Sometimes it becomes a marketplace, to buy and sell christians. We could talk about this part for a long time. My vote is for smaller groups that can meet in each other's homes, where the invironment is more open, natural, and free for everyone to be themselves. You also do not have to worry about pressing people just to pay your building fund. That money could be better spent elsewhere.
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