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Article Title: Fine Joy
Author of reported comment: Patti G Collins
Comment Date: 01:49 on Jun 12 2009
Comment: I have a whole library of Luke Garrett soundtracks. He sang at one of my husband's churches and we have had him sing at other churches we've been in. Last time I talked with Peggy his secretary at Adoration Resources, which was probably 6 mos. ago, she said Luke was collaborating with another artist to produce a musical. Said Luke was not finding the income he needed just through church bookings. I assume that Adoration closed shop due to financial reasons, but like you, I have not been able to find his concert schedule, nor a new website. Sing a lot of his music -- one of the best Christian artists out today... his music is heart wrenching and you will never find anyting like it as far as composition. Would appreciate any updates regarding his whereabouts.
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