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Article Title: Climate Change
Author of reported comment: Dave Clemo
Comment Date: 14:36 on Dec 14 2009
Comment: A flawed argument based on flawed thinking, bad science and suppression of the truth by those who stand to gain from AGW. While climate change may be real, the reasons quoted by Al Gore ane the rest of them are lies. No, the arctic is not going to be ice free any time soon. No this century is not the warmest on record, and yes, you can make any computer model do whatever you want, just programme it that way. In order to obtain the hockey stick graph, the so called scientists have had to massage the data to fit and leave out loads that don't. Einstein was a good scientist, he put all his data and all his calculations out in the world for others to check and corroborate. His peers examined his work and pronounced on it. Those who alledge that the science is proven and the clock is ticking would do us all a favour by showing the world and the thousands of scientists who are sceptical all the data and how they came to their conclusion. What if, when Thomas doubted, Jesus said to him, just take my word for it, the matter is proven? And can you really believe the scaremongers when they declared last week that CO2 was a pollutant? That's right, the US has declared CO2 a pollutant and must be stopped. Well, I guess that means that I'm OK as long as I keep breathing in and not exhaling. The whole AGW thing is a scam, and we should beware any organisation that resorts to images of polar bears standing on ice floes to suggest that they are in danger, when they threaten to overrun some Canadian towns in the far north. Has anyone considered that the sun may have something to do with the earth warming and cooling? Well yes we have. And it has been widely published, and ignored as an inconvenient truth by the AGW brigade, that the number and frequency of sunspots directly correlates to whether the planet is warmer or cooler. I'm sorry Zoe, but you are mistaken. Must do better
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