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Article Title: Working Through Fatherlessness
Author of reported comment: Ian Pilkington
Comment Date: 14:08 on Dec 15 2009
Comment: Hey there I resonate with your struggles over discipline with your son. Is he your only child? One thing I found was to NOT try to be NOT like my dad - it's like telling a kid in a toyshop not to play with a certain toy, you just know it's going to happen. Make Jesus your focus, try to be like Him. You'll fail a lot (if you're like me and the rest of the planet) but you'll succeed a lot too. As far as those adolescent years ahead... just put on your seat belt and try to enjoy the ride. Hormonal changes do play a MASSIVE part in our teenage children's moods and behaviour. At times you may wonder where on earth this child came from, he's certainly not the toddler you played with and loved so simply. And as for the lack of respect that you'll sometimes get from him, (and other times wrongly perceive from him, watch out for that trap) - be reassured, that really is common, it really does happen to just about all of us and it really will be a process that you'll all come out the other side of. I've done it two and a half times now (we're in the middle of number three) - they're all different, but they're all grace-growing experiences. I reckon I've become more like Jesus through the cross of having teenage boys than at any other time in my life! Don't beat yourself up over your mistakes - your heart's for your son, even when you don't think it is, and Jesus will bring you both through in this imperfect world.
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