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Article Title: 20:1972-1992
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 03:47 on May 20 2010
Comment: I have this great collection of songs by the group in my huge ccm collection of music. I luv this cd, it showcases the best songs recorded by the group. It begins with the early songs of 1972 on mgm label. The cd contains "Mansion Builder", of course "Easter Song", "Takin' the Easy Way", "The Prince Song", "Rejoice" to name some of their more popular tunes. If you do not have anything by this group, this is the cd to buy. I would've like to see some of the songs from the "Hymn" projects on the cd set. I luv the arrangement of "Great is THY Faithfulness". I luv their added vocals to Sandi Patty's 1986 song "Hosanna"; it was a wonderful collaboration. They were also guests on Chuck Girard's debut lp; the wondrous song sung by so many today, "Sometimes Alleluia"( from 1975) Thank you for so many years of gifted songs to bless lives. GOD Bless! - Don
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