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Article Title: Soulpsalms
Author of reported comment: Nneka Ogbue
Comment Date: 12:14 on Aug 8 2010
Comment: Bought this album, loved it. Put my pennies where my ears are, bought copies for friends/relatives, they loved it too. One friend takes his Bible out to read the psalms while he listens. Another (new convert) didn't know there was 'music like this' and she goes to sleep with the album on repeat. Our psalms are prayers. Soulpsalms has a good mix of styles without being too obvious about it. Pop is a limiting description/genre. That the artist plays all the instruments, does the vocals and produced the album is to his credit and God's glory. Talent is not a bad thing. And the album credits range from mixers to King David. Reviews and replies will always be subjective opinions based on whatever. Locate the Edwin Fawcett website, listen to the samples from each track and see what you think. x
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