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Article Title: Pamela Hart
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Comment Date: 15:23 on Dec 9 2010
Comment: Pamela, I am you long, lost first cousin. I am quite sure that my mother, Frances Hill was Norma Deuel's first-born and was adopted by Grace Hill of Owego, NY. I have several photos of "Aunt" Norma, Connie, Katie and uncle "Bobby" Deuel, and my favorite, Pete and I sitting on a concrete bench (c. sumer of 1941). My mother and I went to Reno for a divorce from Russ Bracken in the fall of 1941. She married "Spud" Harris and had a daughter Virginia. "Aunt" Norma traveled out to Nevada when Virginia was born. Would love to enjoy a familial relationship, like sharing photos, with you (and other members of the Deuel family) at this late date in our lives. Sincerely, Russ Bracken III
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