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Article Title: How Do You Survive In The Jungle Of Life?
Author of reported comment: S.MacLaren
Comment Date: 19:48 on Mar 16 2011
Comment: Zeno made a sad and misleading comment. P.Hocking is fully aware of the 'rational basis for humanism'. However, she, as a person who has experienced the love and power of God (for example enabling her to forgive her Mum and Dad) has noticed another fact: That there is a spiritual law:- A human being who does not worship the true God always worships something. That something is ultimately often him/herself, as although we may substitute things, even other people in the place of our Creator, this false worship is the religion of no-God, that there is no other god worthy of worship. Man is the judge of all things, in the place of God. One of the dangers of humanism is it leads to belief in the lie that mankind can solve its own problems. But what about guilt and sin, those terrible things? It also denies the truth about them, attempting to explain guilt away as some kind of mistaken thinking. Believers (and even many non-believers) know better. Guilt and sin, when truly dealt with, can indeed be banished forever, filling us with loving gratitude to God, and a joy that truly lasts! Is not the power of even human forgiveness amazing? Jesus said that only God is able to deal with and completely remove a person's sin. -Back now to the truth that there is a real -and potentially very dangerous- spiritual realm, not just a physical one. As beings who inhabit both, we should know the ways that individuals and the whole of society may be manipulated by forces in both realms. Simple truth: There is a war going on for the heart and mind of each person. One side wants to deny people any opportunity to be released from their sin. One way is to get them to worship the false god of Rationalism. This is a work of the evil one. Jesus came to destroy his works, and He, as Lord, Creator, and Saviour is going to win that war.
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