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Article Title: Michael English: After years in the CCM wilderness, the prodigal finally comes home
Author of reported comment: Barbara
Comment Date: 00:20 on Apr 18 2011
Comment: This is why so many in CCM have fallen and yet the [vain] show must go on: "For me, my deal is that I grew up singing Christian music. My dad taught me to be the best at it as I could but I didn't necessarily know much about Christianity, it was more about being a Christian 'star'. And then having attention deficit disorder, trying to read [the Bible] and not being able to read because I'm trying to get this stuff in my mind and I'm thinking of other things - of baseball or what I'm gonna do tomorrow. My remedy to that was just not to do it. Praying; same thing. So I came up with this way of thinking that was so wrong, of going, 'Hey, I'm singing every night just about. I'm singing in churches, I'm doing all this stuff, so that should be plenty for God.' You know what I'm saying? And there's no such thing as a 'plenty for God'. So not being in the Word and not praying - two very important pieces of the puzzle of Christianity and your walk with God, and if that's not happening then you are, I believe, a very weak, weak Christian." I suspect that fans of these "stars" also substitute CCM for Bible study and prayer, which explains why they have no spiritual discernment.
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