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Article Title: The Remix
Author of reported comment: Alan G
Comment Date: 02:51 on Aug 11 2012
Comment: I too had the Anthem cassette in the mid 80's when I was a teenager. It was my go to album. I wore it out. Even now I can look back on that album as a big influence on my bass playing. Is it rock or is it R&B? It's both, how awesome is that!! Recently I looked for the cassette in my attic but couldn't find it. I seriously doubted I would find anything on the internet but who knew? There is even a remix. I have been jamming on it this week. I like all of the remixes except Morning Star and the intro to Doctor (I preferred the organ). Anyway, they don't make music like this anymore - not trying to please a record label with either the genre or lyrics.
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