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Article Title: Rivers Of Babylon: The unlikely history of a pop hit based on Psalm 137
Author of reported comment: Casper Janssen
Comment Date: 12:21 on Jan 20 2013
Comment: Nice article, but most of it was already known. "Rivers Of Babylon" remains a brilliant song. Boney M.'s version however is far from "clumsy". This version is still after 35 years very popular all over the world and became a true classic. The arrangement still sounds fresh and original, the production was brilliant and beautiful vocal harmonies. Boney M.'s lead singer Liz Mitchell (originally Jamaican) has a wonderful impeccable voice and sings this song with her heart and soul. Farian and Boney M. made something complete new out of this song, which was definately a creative piece of art, and yes, it had a very big appeal to lots of audiences, which made it sound very commercial (what's wrong with commercial music? If ABBA and The Beatles didn't make commercial music they wouldn't have been so big) Boney M. sold millions of their version of "Rivers Of Babylon", making it the most succesful version of this song, so who is Tony Cummings to judge this. Boney M.'s version proved to be very good, otherwise it wouldn't have become the classic it is today. Of course, it may not be Mr. Cummings style, but to say that Boney M.'s version is "clumsy" says more about mr. Cummings short-sided vision and his missing knowledge about music, then about the Boney M. recording. By the way if you love "Rivers Of Babylon", take a listen to the fantasic version of Steve Earle as well.
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