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Article Title: Charles Norman: Talking about Larry Norman and the Fallen Angel documentary
Author of reported comment: Jesse
Comment Date: 18:40 on Sep 2 2013
Comment: I can tell u why.....Larry had all kinds of enemies, from government to the music industry and also most of his enemies were in the church itself. Music industry whether it's the Christian music or secular it is a cut throat businessthe. when you add money to this its influence on people's minds whether they are Christian or non Christian has an effect on friends. And some will stop at nothing to get what they want. Larry Norman hated the secular music industry and rightly so. And the secular music industry also hated Larry Norman. Larry wasn't afraid to speak his mind and interpret the Bible as God revealed it to him and when we do this, well the saying is true friends may come and friends may go but the enemies stay for the Late Show
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