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Article Title: Torn Veil
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 18:11 on Dec 30 2014
Comment: It's been 12 years since we last heard from this band; after 3 80's releases, subsequently this cd would end their library Now comprised of 4 members, Robert & Joni, drummer Henry & Rip on guitars. "Honor & Glory" fits into the 90's sound of ccm; however the song seems to lack the powerful accapella to lift the song to it's rightful height. The cd title contains some wonderful lyrics; this song has 3 verses and after each is sung twice there comes powerful music, it is..... awesome. I love "Holy Fire", bgvs are just awesome; great song Bob, thanks. Great harmonica for Joni's 6 minuite "So Dependend on Jesus". Hearing the words "Shenandoah River" on song "River" took me back some years to the first time I ever heard it in a song was the late John Denver's hit "Country Roads" from 1971. "Ain't No Way" is another simple song (every album/cd needs one); I like what was written about the song, very thought provoking. The cd closes with a ballad that begins soft intro and then gets strong with drums as most ballads often do. The lyrics have been heard oft times, but some times need repeating to get the message across. Anyone have any update on this band? Ran across some info on the net but it is not confirmed or deemed 100% true. thanks. God Bless, Don
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