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Article Title: Follow The Man With The Music
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 22:36 on Jan 20 2015
Comment: Classic vinyl by Imperials with cover songs well known and popular on radio. This 5 man group would go to 4 man group for recordings after this album, member Joe Moscheo would depart the group. Sherman Andrus has quality lead vocals as does Jim Murray; nice rich harmony sound is heard on this album. This is quite the welcome album into the 70's christian home. This album contains great songwriters and song; the well known "Why Me" by pop sensation Kris Kristofferson. CCM known writer Jimmy Owen supplies "If My People Will Pray" that definitely reminds listeners to the passage in 2 Chronicles 7:14; a few years later we would hear the same passage from CCM Bruce Hibbard and his wonderful song "A Nation's Prayer". The Imperials do a nice job on The Secret (I Met GOD in the Morning), a song Dallas Holm sang on his album year prior. Side also begins with a Dallas Holm classic "Jesus got a Hold of My Life"; long time member Armond Morales can be heard on bass vocals, great peformance of the song: I'm sure Dallas loved it! I really like "Spread a Little Love Around" another great song by Danny Lee, wtg guys. Another I love was written by CCM Phil Johnson "More (than you'll ever know). Then there is the beauty of "Reach Out & Touch/2 Hands", over 6 minutes of time reaching to the listener; for what is life without reaching out and touching. The last song heard is the album title; this is great-early ccm: well known writers Cashmman & West supplies this wonderful song. I must comment on the name logo on the front cover; and the copy I located still had the lyric sheet contained; God is good, amen! GOD Bless, Don
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