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Author of reported comment: John Mainwaring
Comment Date: 11:07 on Sep 22 2016
Comment: Ahhh, Dave Bryant... Not to be confused with the Crown Green Bowls champion. Christian singer/songwriter extrordinaire. One of our church leaders gave this to me on cassette in the mid-eighties when I were a wee teenager. It got played until it was nearly worn out by my (now) wife and I. I'm guessing it's being given a lot of 10/10 (indispensible), because at the time that it came out, it really was ground breaking and liberating. The songs and sentiment took a lot of the tension out of what being a charismatic Christian used to be. Humorous, melodic and chilled (before chilled was something you could be), it's a 'homely' recording at some gig way back when and is interspersed with wry comments from the Bryant himself. Some great lines in there to describe Jesus "You were so real, and nothing like, the God I knew back there," describing Bryant's realisation that God is not the headmaster in the sky, but infinitely the greater in love, grace and mercy. I have no doubt that it served a purpose when it came out, in moving people forward to a more rounded approach to life, the universe and everything. It is fondly regarded by the people it meant a lot to at the time and strangely, out of the blue I woke up this morning with one of the tracks in my mind. It's good to see it on CD as it has been out of press for a long time as far as I'm aware. I'm going to by a copy as the melodies are rich and comforting. I can recommend this one without hesitation.
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