Continued from page 1

Dave: Yes, considering this is a country of about 8 million altogether. The estimates are that you are having about 30 thousand women involved in prostitution, not to mention thousands of kids involved in prostitution and we're not even talking about the male prostitution, we're not even going into that, we are just talking about women who are trafficked or brought as slaves. The family unit in Israel is decaying as we become more Westernised and Americanised; the concept is it's a lot better to watch the TV programme than it is to spend some time with your little girl or your little boy. Family is the foundational basis of society, when that falls apart then all society falls apart.

Years ago all you saw was Russians involved in prostitution. The Russian immigrants came in and they couldn't get a job and compete or speak the language, so a lot of women turned to prostitution to pay the bills. There was also the sexual curiosity that was aroused in the native men, women with blonde hair and blue eyes, it was rare in those days, but what we have seen and I have personally noticed over the past few years, that we're having a lot more of an increase in native Israeli women that are on the streets in prostitution.

Paul: Is Aids a big problem in Israel?

Dave: I don't know to be honest and I try not to think about whether this girl or that girl has Aids, we just want to love them. We are not rehabilitation, we are a street rescue mission; once a girl comes out of that and goes into a rehabilitation home, then they can focus on what kind of diseases do you have etc.

A woman on the streets is the lowest rung of society almost; in order to truthfully reach her I have to come with a mentality of less than her. To be successful at this I really have to come with a thought on my mind and really understand that it's only God's grace that I'm not her or worse. I have to come from the point of a servant, I'm here to wash your dishes to fix you coffee, I do have to maintain walls and limits of respect, I have very strong discipline in our place, no smoking, no cursing, it's a very peaceful, very organised place. I've got to come in a way that she knows that I care about her; I've got to come in a way where everything about me is saying "I love you, but not what you do; if you die like this, if you never change I will still always love you. I have no expectations from you, I'm just here to serve you, pray for you and care for you. I encourage you to change, I do want to see you get out of it but I separate between you and what you do."

Paul: How many people do you minister to every week?

Dave: Well let me say it like this, we generally go through about 30 girls a day that are coming in and out to take a shower, change clothes and rest. I deal with a clientele of about 200 something women, some of them have gone away and disappeared for a year or so, some of them go to rehab or prisons; they come and go, but it's about 30 people a day.

Paul: When women are locked in this sort of lifestyle, how easy is it for them to get out of their circumstances?

Dave: Without the finger of God it's basically impossible. In any normal rehabilitation system, in a secular rehab system, the facts are you have a 98.5% failure rate; that's just among the general drug addicts and alcoholics of the world, now try to add on to that a super immense trauma that these women are going through on a daily basis as a street prostitute, they are really deep in bondage, it needs a lot of miracles from God. I have seen some girls change, about 5-8 girls change in the past 5 years that I have been doing this, but it's rare. My belief is that as we continue to raise up the prayer support and as people get on their knees and start praying for these girls, we're going to see a lot of the spiritual walls come down and see more people become free, but there's going to be a price to pray for it and that's going to be through fasting and prayer.

Paul: How successful has the outreach been and do you have any testimonies of lives changed?

Dave: Yes, as I have said I really have seen some girls change. One lady who was on the streets for 20 solid years as a heroin addict, she's now free, she's serving the Lord. Another girl that got off the streets, she had been there 7-8 years and was hardcore, her name is Natasha, and she got off the streets; when we took her off the streets she was really sick, I didn't know how much. We sent her to this rehabilitation place, they sent her straight away to the hospital and they told us at the hospital that she had much less than a day if not a couple of hours to live. She had horrible infections in her lungs. She came out of that and gave her life to God, now she's up in the North of Israel running a home helping other prostitutes and this other lady that I mentioned before is now working with her together to try and get women off the streets.

Another Lady named Maria who was 8-10 years hardcore on the streets, she was so bad that the rest of the prostitutes when they see her picture just can't believe that it's her because there was no-one worse than her. When you see her before and after picture you just can't believe it, it's so amazing! She's married now and serving the Lord in ministry, she has a brand new baby girl, she got her 15 year old son back, there are great stories, but there are few.

Paul: It must be really exiting for you to hear these stories and hear about lives changed and transformed.

Dave: Yes, it's quite exciting. My reward is for those who haven't given their lives to God who come down and open up and flower just to love alone. In this ministry we can't force the gospel on anyone. If you were to come into our door there is nothing to make it seem like a Christian missionary type of thing, it's a normal quiet every day ministry. There are anti-missionary laws in the land and I obey those laws, but that's the beautiful thing, we don't try to force the Bible onto anyone, we are the Bible to these people and so to see them respond to that, to God's love pouring through us, through a very simple way, a hug, a listening ear, a smiling face and to watch people change, it's mind blowing.