Paul Calvert spoke with Raed Haneah about what it's like at Christmastime in Bethlehem

Raed Haneah
Raed Haneah

Paul: What's it like living in the area where Jesus was born?

Raed: I think I'm very lucky to be living in the city where Jesus was born, to be able to see everything, the history of Jesus in this land, where He went, where He was born. It's a real privilege. I feel like it's a Holy land and I feel like I am blessed being in this land.

Paul: So what is Christmas like in Bethlehem?

Raed: It's wonderful. It's really nice. There are a lot of things happening. I enjoy it because it will be praying for one week together celebrating with the children. It's really nice.

Paul: So what do you eat at Christmas time, do you have the traditional turkey and Christmas pudding like the West or do you have something different?

Raed: Usually we invite all the family to our house and we eat nice things together or we go to a restaurant. Sometimes we have something nice like a BBQ.

Paul: Do you have a Christmas tree in your house at Christmas?

Raed: Yes sure, every house you will find a Christmas tree and also lights and decorations around the house and some people put a cross above the house which lights up.

Celebrating Christmas In Bethlehem

Paul: Does it snow here at Christmas time?

Raed: Most of the time yes, but not every year. When it snows it makes it really nice, especially at Christmas.

Paul: So will the city of Bethlehem be decorated with Christmas lights this year?

Raed: Yes and the nice thing is that every year it is different decorations; in the streets, on the houses, the buildings, Churches and everywhere. Especially around the Church of the Nativity there will be a lot of lights, decorations etc. We love it.

Paul: Now you say Nativity Church, that's where it all happened 2000 years ago, what's it like being there round Christmas Eve?

Raed: Well in front of the Nativity Church there will be a stage, a lot of concerts will be there for the Christmas time, songs, and choirs from around the world. Everyday it will be something new and especially on the last night it will be a nice celebration with the songs, musical instruments and all sorts of things.