Paul Calvert investigates

Paul Calvert
Paul Calvert

Mervin Tilley is the Chairman of Focus on Israel and a Pastor in Leytonstone London. Paul Calvert spoke with him about the Jewish holiday of Purim.

Mervin: Purim is a Jewish celebration that goes back to the time of Queen Esther. The story is about how the Jews were spared extermination as a result of a plot by a wicked man, Haman.

Paul: What sort of message is there today for people through the story of Purim?

Mervin: Basically it's a reminder that God keeps covenant with his people and despite all the odds against them, whenever God is involved, there is always a way out.

Paul: Do you think it is important for Christians to celebrate Purim today?

Mervin: I wouldn't see it as necessary for Christians to celebrate Purim, because it is a Jewish festival; although Christians can learn from the covenant keeping side of God. That he keeps covenant with the church as well.

Paul: All through the Jewish history there has been anti-Semitism; the Holocaust, expulsions from the land etc. Why do you think that is?

Mervin: I think that anything that God is for the Devil is against and from day one the nation of Israel has been the subject of hatred and persecution. History keeps on repeating itself.

Paul: Yes, today seems to be no exception either with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad threatening to wipe Israel off the map. Do you think that the threat is real and that he wants nuclear weapons? Do you think he could wipe Israel from the map?

Mervin: Well I'm sure the threat is very real. I am sure he is intent on having nuclear weapons and yes they would consider Israel as a target. However, I do not believe they would wipe out Israel or even could wipe out Israel, because God has brought them to the point of no return, in a sense that they have recovered from the holocaust, they are established as a nation and I don't see the clock being turned back. There may well be an attempt to exterminate them because Zechariah talks about all nations coming against Jerusalem, but they will most certainly fail.

Paul: So you would see it as prophetic that the Jews have to survive?

Mervin: Absolutely, it's clear in scripture that the Jews have to survive, although the scriptures say in Ezekiel 36 that God is not sparing Israel for Israel's sake but for his names sake; for the sake of his reputation. If Israel were to fall, then Gods' name would be blemished considerably because he has invested so much in Israel.

Paul: What do you think is the root cause of anti-Semitism, is it a spiritual battle?

Mervin: It's flesh and blood but underneath it is a spiritual battle. I do believe the main reason for anti-Semitism is jealousy on the part of the nations because God has favoured the Jews and even in the most adverse of circumstances they have survived; not only survived but have succeeded in building business etc, they are supreme survivors.