Samuel Barness has his Bar Mitzva

True Stories

13 year old Samuel Barness recently had his Bar Mitzvah, so Paul Calvert thought he'd meet up with him to find out more.

Paul: Is a Bar Mitzvah when you become a man in Jewish culture?

Samuel: Yes

Paul: So how was it taking your Bar Mitzvah?

Samuel: It was really nice! I studied for the reading of the Bible for a few months and I had a speech. I also invited my King's Kids group to sing and dance.

Paul: So you're a Christian?

Samuel: I'm a believer yes.

Paul: Is it important to have a Bar Mitzvah as a Christian?

Samuel: If you are Jewish then you are supposed to do it. It's part of being Jewish. Also I believe because Jesus was also Jewish he made his Bar Mitzvah too.

Paul: So were you brought up in a Christian family?

Samuel: Yes, I've been a Christian all my life but I really came to believe and know Jesus when I was 8 years old. I was in my church and just started to see stuff that I had never seen before. I took the New Covenant (Testament) to my house and started to read it every night and a few months later I was baptised.

Paul: So do you feel it was the best thing you've ever done in your life?

Samuel: Yes.

Paul: How do you feel about becoming a Christian at such a young age?