Julia Fisher gives hope as she shares with us the lives of Arab Christians

Julia Fisher
Julia Fisher

With the Israeli election result last week, we can only wait to see how the newly formed Kadima party will shape up. One thing is clear from this election - not many Israelis bothered to vote. But, you say, Israelis are passionate about politics. Maybe they were. But now many seem disillusioned. Their politicians have failed to find a means of bringing lasting peace to the region; in fact, with the terrorist group Hamas winning the recent Palestinian election, the situation looks messier than ever.

So are there any signs of hope? In my last article I introduced you to my latest book, 'Future for Israel?'. Stories of some Arab believers living in the Middle East today. I suggest in the book that these men hold the keys to peace in the Middle East. They do not hate Israel or the Jewish people and they are not calling for the destruction of Israel. Rather they have a healthy respect and love for this tiny nation and her 5 million or so citizens.

One of the people I write about is Shmuel Aweida. He's an Arab pastor caring for a Messianic Jewish congregation in Haifa. Here's an extract from his story.

This story is so incredible, that's why it's unique, at the moment. But I suspect that before long we will hear of more people like Shmuel Aweida as this trend of Arab Christians being reconciled to the people and nation of Israel continues to grow. There can be no doubt that his parents' attitude to Jewish people and their Christian faith and understanding of the Bible had a profound effect on the young Shmuel. Born in 1968, Shmuel represents perhaps the first of a new generation of young Arab pastors in Israel who have grown up in a climate of reconciliation between Jew and Gentile and, despite recent and ongoing hostilities, are sure of what they believe, have a deep understanding of both Old and New Testaments and a vision of what God is doing at this time that propels them forward.

Shmuel is under no illusions as to the spiritual battle that is being fought out for the soul of the nation of Israel. As you will read, he sees how far the country has moved from it's Biblical roots to embracing New Age philosophy and secularism; but despite this, he believes, as an Arab, he is called to stand up for the God of Israel in Israel in order to bring the Jewish people back to their Messiah.

I am an Israeli Arab. I was born and grew up in Haifa. My parents were born in Israel, in a village close to Nablus. They were both believers. I have two younger brothers and we all attended Hebrew speaking Jewish schools. Although Arabic is our mother tongue, Hebrew is our main language and the language we use to speak to each other! People ask me if I have a problem with my identity! Well you can't live in Israel and not be aware of the conflict between Arab and Jew. But I grew up in a believing home and my identity as a believer has always been the strongest part of who I am. Believing the Scriptures and what God says about Israel before what people say about Israel has been the greatest influence on my life. Whilst growing up, 95% of my friends were Jewish. Hebrew was my language. Therefore, compared to many, my upbringing means that I'm far from being a 'typical' Arab.

Today I am the pastor of the congregation in Haifa that I grew up in. Beit Eliahu, which means 'Elijah's House'. It's a Messianic congregation that's predominantly Jewish and reaches out to the Jewish people. People tell me that I must be a unique person in Israel being an Arab pastoring a Jewish congregation; that may be true - I certainly don't know any other Arab pastors who are leading a Messianic congregation.

Although the Messianic movement has grown significantly in recent years, there are still many people who have not met a believer face to face and talked to them about their faith in Yeshua. And so the questions start to flow, they become more and more interested and I usually end up sharing the gospel with them in a very natural way. The interesting thing is when they find out I'm an Arab; and I have to tell them I'm an Arab because I look Jewish and I sound Jewish. But, then when they realise I'm an Arab and they hear what I believe and how I feel towards Israel, they usually soften and shrug their shoulders and look puzzled and say it's weird enough that such a thing as a Messianic congregation exists, but being an Arab who pastors it is, well, interesting to them!

There have been times when I wished I was Jewish; times when I've shared the gospel with a Jewish person and they've turned round to me and said, 'This Yeshua is for you Arabs, he's not for us, why are you telling me this?' Other times I'm mistaken for a Jewish person and the response has been hostile; they've accused me of being a traitor and betraying the Jewish people by believing that Yeshua is the Messiah. Then I tell them I'm not Jewish, I'm an Arab and they stop to listen some more, to an Arab who loves Israel, how can this be, they say to me. Then we go through God's plan of salvation...why did He choose Israel? And sometimes coming from an Arab makes them listen!

My father was 55 when I was born, and although he's died now, I remember him as being old and wise. He always told me that the Jews were God's people. Even before Israel became a state in 1948 there were immigrants coming to Israel both legally and illegally. During that time my father worked at the Haifa Municipality and he would help these Jewish immigrants to find jobs! He spoke Yiddish fluently. Our closest friends in the neighbourhood where we lived were holocaust survivors from Poland. I realise that my experience is different to that of many other Arab families, but again, it has helped me to realise there is a better way than the hostility and division that we are confronted with so often today.

I know there are many Arab pastors who would not agree with me; I do not know them all personally. But I know some others who agree with my position. As for me, I will continue to teach the congregation that we are here for one reason - to glorify God and to make His name known in Haifa.

I would like to ask the Christians in the West to understand what God is doing here today. Paul understood and taught that God has a plan for Israel (Romans 9-11). However, knowing what God is going to do eventually is one thing; in the meantime, what did Paul do...he went from place to place, starting at the synagogues, preaching the gospel. I know of no greater need in Israel today.

To pray for the peace of Jerusalem is to pray for the true peace that can only be found through the Prince of peace. The One New Man in the Messiah is a reality!

'Future of Israel?' by Julia Fisher, published by Authentic Media.

For further details visit Julia's website, where you will find details of all her other books and a tour to Israel she is leading in May 2006 which will combine meeting some of the people she writes about whilst travelling through the land of the Bible. CR

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.