Psalm 122:6-9

Clive Urquhart
Clive Urquhart

A few years ago I was asked to go on a leaders tour to Israel. The purpose of the trip was to find out a number of things; to get a biblical understanding of God's purpose for Israel and the Jewish people, to meet different believers in the land, both Jew and Arab, to see what God is doing, to go to some of the sights and places where Jesus preached and ministered, and to get a better understanding of the modern day situation.

I went with some biblical knowledge and understanding of Israel, along with what I had seen and heard broadcast and portrayed by the media of the situation there. Before going, many people I spoke to seemed to have a view or an opinion, some very strong, as to which 'side' they thought was right or wrong and therefore which 'side' they were on, either the Jews (Israel) or the Palestinians.

It's easy to have an opinion about something based on all kinds of circumstances, history and preferences but as Christians God wants us to have His mind and understanding so that we can line up our thinking and hearts with His.

Last Sunday, 5th October, was the world Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem. This was a great opportunity to join with many thousands of believers around the world to pray for God's salvation purposes for the nation. Praying for the peace of Jerusalem is something God wants us to do throughout the year though. In order to pray with God's heart and understanding it's good to read through a few verses in both the old and new testaments to see what His purposes are.

Ezekiel 36 and 37. Please read these chapters. These chapters show how God deals with Israel's disobedience in scattering them across the nations but then also how He will gather them back to the land to fulfil His purpose of salvation to glorify His name.

Psalm 122:6-9. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: '"May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels." For the sake of my brothers and friends, I will say, "Peace be within you."'

John 16:33. "I have told you things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

To pray for the peace of Jerusalem is to pray for the salvation of the nation. In the natural there is no political solution for Israel. The issues are too complex and ingrained into the history and beliefs of the various sides that no one will give ground to another. However - God has His plan.

Romans 9, 10 & 11. Please read these chapters. The Apostle Paul is writing about God's plan of salvation for Israel, and about the gospel being preached to both Jews and Gentiles (anyone not a Jew), showing that every person needs to be saved. He is also explaining how God's purpose is to graft the Gentile believers into the Jewish believers to be one in Christ together.

Ephesians 2:11-22. Please read these verses. Again Paul is speaking about Christ being our peace (reconciler & salvation) to make the two (Jews & Gentiles) one new man in Christ.

Isaiah 19:23-25. Please read these verses. These verses are talking about the Jews, Arabs and Gentiles coming to worship God together beyond all the differences, hatred and history to fulfil God's salvation purposes.

In the middle of the complexity of the situation in Israel with all the political, religious, social and racial tensions, what struck me was that God is not taking sides - He is on His own side. His purpose is to line everyone up with his will and with what He is doing.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem - for the Jews to have a revelation of Jesus as the Messiah (their Saviour).
Pray for the Arabs to have a revelation that Jesus is God, the Saviour, the Son of God.
Pray for the protection of all the believers in the land both Jew and Arab. CR

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.