I Thess 5:12-28, Romans 8

Jamie Anderson
Jamie Anderson

About 2 months ago I had one of those moments when God was wanting my attention but I was too busy: too wrapped up in me and the needs that I felt were important. I was too blind to see that He was waiting to show me something really important.

My wife came back from being at a conference in Italy and said; "we need to go on a fast - God needs us to move to the next level but we need a breakthrough!" A fast I thought; why do we need to do that? Surely we can just make the decision to move to the next level and get on with it! But I chose to listen to why "we" needed to go on this fast. It was really one of those moments when I knew that in order to move up a level, we needed to dig deeper in Him and this time that meant a physical sacrifice for a spiritual release.

We decided what kind of fast we would do and planned to start 21 days leading up to our 10 year wedding anniversary. The night before we started, we took communion, prayed and asked the Lord to begin to reveal the things in our hearts that would need to be removed and/or repaired in order for us to really see this breakthrough.

Do you ever read something in the Bible that hits you square between the eyes? I did on Day 1.

Go grab your Bible and read I Thessalonians 5:12-28.

What a great passage of scripture - don't forget where Paul is when he wrote this.

By the time I had finished my devotional time that morning I realised that this was one of those moments when the Father was speaking directly to me as a result of what I prayed the night before and I began to understand what He was wanting me to see.

I work for my parents in full time ministry; Prayer for the Nations is their vision and I serve that vision unto God and for them. God wanted to show me that I had forgotten how to work for Rod & Julie Anderson, lead worship for them, receive from their ministry, manage the staff under me and be a peaceful, joyful, thankful part of the family.

I had forgotten that I have to recognise 3 relationships; Family, Ministry and Employment. They all work differently and require different perspectives but if one is out of balance, all of them will be affected. Somewhere along the way I lost the plumb line on respect and honour to my leaders, living peacefully with my family, who I was serving and how I should serve. It wasn't intentional and I was mostly oblivious to what I was doing or not doing.

As soon as I read this passage; it was clear and painful to see that there were some things in my heart that were holding me back personally, holding back my relationship with my parents and also holding back areas of the ministry. It took a few days to work through the feelings that I experienced but I was determined to come through this one!

I had an opportunity to have lunch with my parents a week or so later and shared what was in my heart. I asked them to forgive me, to guide me and to help me put everything back into right perspective. It was really well received and they loved on me as family, accepted my apology as employers and even encouraged me as ministers. It was a powerful moment on every level of our relationship. I left lunch rather tender, after bearing all in a public restaurant, yet stronger and freer for doing what I know needed to be done.

Just near the end of our fast an evening meeting was planned called "Turning the Tide - a night of breakthrough" where my wife and I were to lead worship, and Mom & Dad would both minister together - they rarely do, so it was really exciting and as a team we felt a supernatural expectancy. God showed up big time and it was a defining moment in the life of the ministry where God really showed us our next step.

I know that if I hadn't seen and dealt with what God had shown me I would have missed my breakthrough that came that night.

As I close I want to do two things:

1. Ask you to examine your heart - has it turned against someone or something that you should be respecting and honouring? Or is it holding onto something that isn't giving you life? If so ask for forgiveness, let go of the bad stuff that your holding on to and begin to believe God for your breakthrough. He will be faithful.

2. I want you to pray this prayer: "Father, thank you that you love me no matter what and that Your love heals all things. Please show me the places in my heart that don't reflect your love and please reveal how I can show respect and honour to those around me in my home, at my work place and in my church. Father I ask that you would show me the path to victory in my life and I ask for my breakthrough.

When you have done this take a moment to re-read Romans 8 again (I talked about it last time) and begin your life in His sprit, looking for your breakthrough! CR

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.