Various - Sanktifunctafyd: West Coast Rap Vol 1

Saturday 1st April 1995
Various - Sanktifunctafyd: West Coast Rap Vol 1
Various - Sanktifunctafyd: West Coast Rap Vol 1

STYLE: Hip-Hop
RATING 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
LABEL: N-Soul NSD9916
RRP: £4.99

Reviewed by George Luke

A tough, streetwise, yet fervently Christian, rap compilation put together by Scott Blackwell and the editors of 23:4, one of the welter of Christian music underground magazines. Although it says "all formats" on the back of the CD cover, I doubt very much if this is available on vinyl, which is a shame, because like the majority of the N-Soul and Myx output, it would stand a better chance of reaching its target audience if it was. It's interesting to note how some of the acts featured here, like a lot of mainstream hip hop acts, actually add surface noise and "stylus on vinyl" sound effects to their music (obviously, vinyl's far from dead). The album's a lot easier to listen to in bits, instead of all in one sitting and the ansaphone messages that crop up in between the tracks can be a bit pointless at times. Of the artists featured, I would award full marks for the most unique choice, and most imaginative use of backing music to the group Brainwash Projects, whose song "Muchas Muchachas", discusses how red blooded young men can best avoid temptations of a lustful nature without pretending that women don't exist. Also recommended are Fros'T, Young Ministas and J-Love. Nothing in the currently in-vogue G-Funk vibe to be found here, but plenty to please hard hip hop fans.

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