CR spoke with Marian and her mum Remi

Continued from page 1

Marian: No Mam. I was in a coma for three weeks, so from there I didn't know what was going on.

Rebecca: Remi, was it hard with her being in a coma for so long? Did you manage to keep faith all the way through that time?

Remi: When we were in the room I remember she moved her toe and you know it was more like Lazarus - someone who's been dead for so long - and I jumped up and I saw the doctors and I said, 'excuse me she just moved'. The doctor said, 'yes she can hear you, talk to her'. I said, 'really, I wish you'd told me earlier'.

I went outside and got a radio and her favourite music. She liked All Things Are Possible In Jesus' Name. Honestly speaking Mam, everything went real good after that. I was going there and instead of crying holding her hand, I got in there and I speak words of wisdom and encouragement to her. I go in there and I dance All Things Are Possible In Jesus' Name.

Marian is a living testimony. Saying what God has done, I'm telling you, miracles and wonders still happen.

Rebecca: How long has it taken her to recover?

Remi: It could take six months to a year they said, because her skin was like someone had walked through a fire. Her fingernails had come off and her toes. Her scars are still there from where she was breathing with the tracheotomy. We have to keep oiling her skin and the eyes we have to keep putting the eye drops in because the stuff damaged a little bit of her eyes.

Rebecca: Marian, what did your family do during that time you were in the coma?

Marian: We had prayer partners from churches coming in to pray for me and obviously my Mum as she is a Christian, she prayed for me as well and her cousin. The thing is, before this happened I was out to my Mum's cousin saying, 'Sarah could you take my picture because this is my testimony'. At the time my Mum didn't know what I was saying because we didn't know the situation was going to get that bad, until obviously everything started to happen to me. I said, 'just take my picture; this is my testimony that when I finished I'll just be able to share it with people'.

Rebecca: What was your first reaction when you came around from the coma?

Marian: Whilst I was in the coma I saw these two guardian angels and they came into the room and they just lifted me up to this place that was like a desert area. This light was kind of shining upon me and the voice saying, 'hold on Marian, it's not your time to die yet' and, 'what I want you to do is to go out there and tell the world what I've done for you'. They want me to be an inspiration to all of them. So I said, 'Lord, ok, whatever you want me to do I'll do it'.

Rebecca: What was the reaction like of the doctors and the people in the hospital?

Remi: I'm telling you, when they want to come in to see Marian, they would stand at the door and look at her. Marian would just wave her hand to say come in because she couldn't talk. They come in and every day was like a new day; a new Marian. Marian was so badly burned. Marian is very skinny, very small and tiny and very fragile, but even them at the hospital, the nurses came to visit us, they knew this is a miracle; there's no ands and buts about it. They were really shocked.

We went again yesterday and the lady was like, 'Marian you got me worried, but I'm glad you are alive and you're ok'. You know they are so shocked, I mean this is a miracle. I have a miracle living in my home and it's all because the love we have for God.