Key Quotes for 2005

A world perspective in bite-size chunks
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Last update: Wednesday 25th March
Potentially lethal infections by hospital superbugs are soaring among children, scientists have warned. Severe shortages of specialist nurses and infection control staff are adding to rising rates of the bugs among babies and children, research indicates...The Independent revealed this week that 12 people have died and more than 300 others have been infected by an outbreak of a new strain of the diarrhoeal infection Clostridium difficile at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Buckinghamshire. C.difficile is linked to overuse of antibiotics and poor hygiene in hospitals, and cases of the potentially deadly infection have risen by 23% in a year to more than 43,000 in 2004.
HealthThe Independent - 10th June 2005
The Governments second attempt to introduce a law against incitement to religious hatred has been criticised by the Evangelical Alliance. The Racial and Religious Hatred Bill was published on 9 June, and aims to extend the offence of Incitement to Racial Hatred to include religious groups as well as racial groups, thereby offering protection currently only available to Sikhs and Jews to people of other faiths.
PoliticsChristian Herald - 18th June 2005
The media is failing in its duty to engage the public with important issues, the Archbishop of Canterbury declared last night...some elements of the media functioned by 'manipulating fear' and 'exhibiting violent conflict between people for entertainment'...The Archbishop said...the central task of the media was to 'nourish the common good' of society, he praised the courage and commitment of many journalists.
MediaDaily Mail - 16th June 2005
David Blunkett insisted yesterday that boys need father figures from an early age to help stop them going off the rails.
FamilyDaily Mail - 7th June 2005
Department of Transport figures show that road traffic accidents were the biggest single killer of children aged 12-16 in 2003. In that year, 74 child pedestrians under 16 were killed and 12,740 were injured on Britain's roads. Deaths of 8-19 year olds on foot rose by 26% to 110 between 2002 and 2003.
EnvironmentThird Sector – 23rd March 2005
101 hours of religious content have been broadcast on BBC1, but the review found that only 87 hours of religious programmes were broadcast in 2003/04. It also shows that fewer programmes were scheduled in peak time, which led to a decline of viewers reached by religious programmes down from 62% last year to 54%.
Religion/SpiritualityChristian Herald – 14th May 2005
According to Tony Peck, the general secretary for European Baptist Federation, every year half a million women are taken involuntary from their home countries and forced to undertake sex work in Europe - 75% of whom are from the Eastern Bloc.
SexChristian Herald – 14th May 2005
Between 1999 and 2002 there was a 30% rise in violence against church workers. An independent report by the University of London Royal Holloway (Violence against Professionals 2001) surveyed 1,000 full time clergy in the South East of England. It found that 12% had been physically assaulted.
CrimeChurch of England Newspaper – 13th May 2005
Over 600,000 young people aged 15-16 all over England will be sitting their GCSE examinations, and a further 250,000 their A-Levels. On average each GCSE pupil takes 10 subjects and the older pupils three A-Levels. Of this vast volume of examinations some 2.3% of pupils will be taking Religious Studies (RS) or Religious Education at GCSE Level and 1.9% at A Level which translates (in England) to 150,000 and 15,000 pupils respectively. Even excluding the six% average of other faiths, this is still almost four times the number of 16 year olds going to church!
EducationChurch of England Newspaper – 13th May 2005
Up to a million 11 to 16 year olds spend evenings or weekends hanging out on the streets, parks or other public spaces, a recent survey carried out by the charity 4Children discovered. The human rights organisation, Liberty, found that at least 34 of the 43 police forces in England and Wales have authorized 9pm curfew zones over the summer holidays.
Social IssuesYouthwork – June 2005
More than a fifth of schoolgirls are sexually active by the age of 14, a recent survey has revealed. When Bliss magazine asked 2,000 readers to talk about their love lives, 22% revealed they have had at least one sexual partner by that age. Most pf the group claimed they'd had between two and four partners by 14. Of the 22%, two thirds had risked unprotected sex and almost half had taken the morning after pill after a one night stand.
SexYouthwork – June 2005
Independent Christian schools produce happier and more socially aware children than state schools, according to a study by the University of Wales at Bangor. But they also produce pupils who believe in the creationist view of the world and that God punishes people who do wrong.
EducationThe Times – 23rd May 2005
Almost half all radio listeners in Britain use something other than an analogue radio set. The number has increased by about 50% each year over the past three years. The percentage of adults listening to radio via a TV set has grown to 29% from less than 10%, and web-based listening has shown steady growth to more than 15% of all adults.
MediaThe Guardian – 7th May 2005
Up to 6,000 Gideon Bibles were to be removed from the university's hall of residence claims they could offend non-Christians.
Religious PersecutionChristian Herald – 7th May 2005
In the three years from Sept 2000 to May 2004, approximately 950 Israelis were killed as a result of the Palestinian / Israeli conflict.
Disasters/WarChristian Herald – 7th May 2005
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